Mar 30, 2012

After Every Ending

Ok. I'll just say it. Out in the open. I'm one emotional, crybaby reader. And I hate it. As much as I take delight in reading, somewhere along the way I get too attached with the characters and the world they're living in that after I've finished a book, it takes me some time before I can finally convince and quiet my heart that they're just mere products of a well-portrayed imagination. Moreover, I always get this lingering sensation of curiosity that creeps through me after every end of a book. I can't help but imagine how they're living their lives after the very last page that I could flip. I keep on wondering, what's next? Even if I know obviously the author has already put it to an end, there's an itching, annoying part of me which craves for something more. It's not even a question of whether the ending gives me that satisfaction I so badly need or not... It's more like a notion of... of... how long will it take for me to let go? Hahaha I know it sounds freaky but..but... I think this is the closest thing I can get to putting down into words how strong my feelings are for the few novels I've been blessed to read, so far.

It's crazy, really. The emotions of my favorite characters pierce right through me, I feel for them so much! Not that I'm losing my sanity alright! It's just... I had to do something about this strange (for me at least) feeling and writing it down in a blog might help, and maybe find out if I'm not alone on this battle? =)))))))) Ugh perhaps this is the price I pay for my indulgence in good books. I'm not one to be good at goodbyes, and maybe that's why bidding the story farewell is almost always a challenge on me.

Of course this is in praise to authors who are so very talented and wonderfully capable of capturing my frail human heart (haha) through their respective writings. It's amazing how they can tell a beautiful story and paint every single detail just with their words.Writing styles vary, but all are able to make me trust them enough that I read it through the very last page. So witty, so original. Makes me jealous sometimes, cos I wish I could tell a story as brilliant as they can. But all in all I'm thankful for them, for giving me the pleasure of entering a new world, which though not real, is something of exceptional significance to me. Only writers can give me that.

And now I have this itching want to share my favorite three. This list will enhance, but right now this is what I got. I'm not much of a bookworm, okay, but once I get a hold of a good story, nothing but obligatory activities can stop me from reaching the book's ending. I'm no critic at all but please, allow me to just unleash my feelings/views for so good a writings. Oh and also, the themes of these are drama & romance which accounts for my being an emotional reader. Haaaay.

  1. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen 
    1. paved way for my further reading and thus, adoration of her other works; 
    2. fed my hunger and weird fascination over the 18th century era;
    3. gave me a new kind of kilig in seeing two sensible persons falling for each other;
    4. the rest of the comical characters that made lizzy and darcy's story even more interesting;
    5. made me wanna know so much how many kids they had, how they are doing as a family, how do they keep that "ardent love" going on, and etc. Sigh. 
    6. the 2005 movie version is what i like best, though so much of my favorite parts from the novel were missing in the film
    7. suggestion of this book was courtesy of a great woman named hazel
  2. The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzzane Collins
    1. didn't read the first book until i watched the movie version, and am so pleased how little they altered, as opposed to how other directors/staff/producers/whatElse would when getting novels into the big screen
    2. made me realize ultimately, that Peeta is my type of guy, period (painter, baker, good speaker, spontaneous, strong arms, gentle, kind, straight to the point but never cocky, and mostly --- true) haha dream guy 
    3. crashed my heart to a gazillion pieces in the last book's (mockingjay) ending -- so bitin!! i wanted so much more out of it. believe me. SO MUCH MORE. i can just go on to tell you the specifications but it's gonna be too long and maybe even too unnecessary 
    4. got me to thinking that making a difference is vital
    5. i've the biggest crush on josh hutcherson from when he was walter in zathura and now peeta in this trilogy! it's a lil sad though, how i know i'll never be good or even pretty enough to be with him really. ohhh crushes... :))
    6. made me thank somehow that the real world we're living in isn't as cruel as depicted in Panem
    7. funny how when my college beef paula tried to tell me about this book WAAAAY BACK, i was so uninterested and indifferent, but now i've turned into this sorta-exagge, hungover fangirl teehee!
  3. My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
    1. recognized that the love i have for my siblings is something beyond words can tell
    2. appreciated the way she told the story, from different points of view
    3. the movie version disappointed me, i'm sorry to say
    4. book was presented to me by my mother
Unnecessary Trivia: All three made me cry at some point.

So emotionally exhausting, really. But if reading is something I enjoy doing (I don't have much activity I'm good at).. then I guess all the strenuous twists and turns, and some disappointing endings of the stories I read must be worth indulging in anyway. So hooray for books! Now I'm having this dream of meeting authors in the future. Gosh, I'm now formulating a dream list... but that'd have to be on another entry. :)

I love books and bread forever,


  1. My gash BEE!*Nora Aunor mode* You...are...not...ALONE!
    Hahaha!ganyan din ako, i get too attached with the fictional lives of the people in the books I read. Same goes with drama series! Yung tipong vinivisualize mo na yung sarili mong part ng mundo nila. HAHAHA so funneh. There are even moments when I would have to close the book for a while, get the "inside scream" out of my system, and continue reading. And then once it's over, parang...please...don't stop...go on...forever. :)))

    And yeah. I agree with you, The HUnger Games trilogy was just so beautifully written! And and I remember borrowing My Sister's Keeper from you, for like after I've skimmed two pages of it. hahaha thick book. Pero bat ayaw mo yung movie? I cried buckets for that :'(

    Sorry ang haba ko cummoment! hahaha

    1. And I'm so curious about that Pride and Prejudice book you've been sooo "into" since highschool. I might give it a shot one of these days. :)

  2. Dearie me! *Vilma Santos mode naman* maraming salamat, kaibigan! hahaha. Thanks for the assurance gielly I'm so relieved I can finally let go. Whuuuut. :)) On My Sister's Keeper, you would be just as disappointed as I was if you read the book version first :"( Yes and please, try Pride and Prejudice ;)

    IT'S OK GIELL HAHAH every bit of a comment is much appreciated. Have you taken a look at who comments here and the number of times they did such? :)) <3
