May 3, 2012

Day 2: How have I changed in the past 2 years

Forever delayed.

Now that's quite a question! Well well well, exactly 2 years ago, I was this girl who wasn't so sure about so many things. I just graduated from high school and I was still so confused about lots and lotsa things. My course, the school, who I am. Mga ganung drama.

....But not anymoreee! :D I'm now an incoming 3rd year college student and boom, I think I'm now this girl who's pretty sure of what to make out of the life she's been blessed with. I know who I am, at least and I know just where I'm going. I know I wanna be a PT and I'm willing to do all that it takes to be one (with the aid of my parents and God, siyempre hehe). New friends surround me now, although of course my old friends are still well-kept! Life's not perfect, it's not all-out fun for me, things get real tough, and I'm really growing up. But I'm happy to admit that I wouldn't wanna be some place else than where I am now. This is where I stand, and unlike two years ago, I'm now willing to move forward without having to constantly long for yesterday. I wish I could say no regrets, just love but umm! I still have my regrets. But hey, we can always choose to be better today and in all the days to come. I guess totoo nga, change is good.

She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.
-Proverbs 31:25

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