Backstory lang: I laid down in bed feeling all so tired and ready to sleep when my wandering little mind got me into thinking about my life, the people in it, the God who sustains me, my dreams and even the vague connections between my yet-to-be-known purpose/s in life and what I really like doing, stuff I'd like to think I'm passionate about. Muni-muni ba. Do you ever feel that too? Like you suddenly wanna be this someone someday and then you get all excited because as random as it may seem your heart just screams that that's the YOU you wanna be, that's the thing you wanna keep on doing for the rest of your life. And then you pray so sincerely hard about it cos it felt really powerful for you. And then you wonder maybe, just maybe, this crazy little newly constructed dream of yours is actually the very true, absolute clue to your life purpose? Even more so, what if it's not even just a clue? What if it's the answer already and you just have to keep on moving towards it? I mean just how amazing is that, right? On the (basag trip) contrary, what if it's not? What if it's just a random thought provoked by a lot of factors: things I see on tv or hear from other people or feel whenever I am placed in a situation that gets my heart rushing or what ever not? What if it's just a ridiculous product of the mind? As for this, I'd like to remember this thing I once read about: "dwelling with what you know now" and honestly, what I know now is that this unforeseen motivational drive is one chubby gumball of a blessing and I love it!!
HABA NG BACKSTORY KO. So after that, I got up and made it all the way here in front of the laptop and decided to write about it.
Oh, how playful a restless mind can be! These are thoughts I don't wanna forget about having. No matter how weird and maybe even senseless they are (at the moment).
There is a certain intangible beauty in the unknown and I think it has a name: Hope :) there are aaaaall kinds of hope we keep in our respective hearts. They all beg to be heard and fulfilled at the right time. I think we just need to acknowledge it first before anything else!
I quote C.S. Lewis, "We do not want to merely “see” beauty–though, God knows, even that is bounty enough. We want something else which can hardly be put into words–to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves, to bathe in it, to become part of it."
Romans 12:12
Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
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