Aug 5, 2012

Instagram Indulgence

I like Instagram! I've recently convinced my mom to get an account of her own since she owns an iPhone 4s anyway. This is such a perfect way to share photos with her, being that we are a thousand miles apart. Fun photos + nice instant camera effect of your choice + share it to the world = one big happy photo sharing experience. No regrets, just love. Hahaha all thanks to my galaxy tab

Ain't nothin so spectacular about my photos but lemme share my favorite uploads :) :
My first picture with Sarah Alano who I consider to be my newest friend.

Disclaimer: I did NOT draw this :)) This is the only available (daw) portrait of my all-time favorite novelist Jane Austen! Her elder sister drew this.

Photo taken during Micka's (left) 19th birthday last April. With her is another good friend Gracie :)

This photo makes itself look so much cuter than in real life :)) with the Weirdo wallpaper from Tumblr and my little yellow nails and that nice sky-blue case = super cute. #TheLittleThings :))

I present to you my first ever Instagram photo! No other than Peeta Mellark! Note: I made my Instagram account in a time when I just finished The Hunger Games and I was then freshly-high with all the awesome-ness of that trilogy 

Be thankful for what you already have and remember to make the most out of it. :) That being said, I may just be referring to my Android gadget but... it could also mean a lot more. Wink!

Bless you, reader! :)

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