I am one among the many, many people who hate goodbyes. I hate saying goodbye to someone I'm used to having around. I hate it when I slowly drift apart from someone who, in a way, was a good friend or so. I hate it the most when an ending feels too soon!!
Thankfully, goodbyes are not the end of the end of the end of the end. I mean, what will become of us if everything else in our lives stopped at goodbye, right? We'd be doomed, forevah bitter and lonely and stuck in such misery!!!! But then again, it doesn't go like that. So that's something to be really really thankful for.
And thankfully, NEW YEAR'S EVE is a positive kind of goodbye. Whether or not your year has been epic or faaaail or somewhere in between, this is the time of the year when you get to say goodbye to all the hurts, regrets, heartaches & other negative blahs, and look forward to new hopes, new chances, new beginnings --- facing them all with a better version of yourself, tagging along all the things you've learned (the hard way or, maybe not) from the past year. You get to bid the happy memories goodbye too, but this also means another set of new ones for the new year!
I think practically EVERYONE on earth welcomes and celebrates the coming of a new year, only that their ways are of different approaches. Mine is spent here at home with the family and the vibe is just so refreshingly different, I swear.
Above it all, I thank the Lord for leading me through everything. For countless of times this year, I admit I've felt lonelier than ever, misunderstood, hurt and just plain worthless. Ang drama hahahah omg but ugh it's truelaloo. But as I think about all that right now, I'm actually kind of grateful. In ways I don't exactly understand, I was drawn nearer to Him, and He's never been more real and closer to me than He has been this entire year. Was it magic? NO, haha. I got committed to reading the Bible as often as I could. It gave me time to pray hard. To reevaluate my attitude to life in general. I learned how to give more value to myself, not so I could feel more superior to other people (of course), but to actually be a better member of the society I'm in. I know I'm still selfish (can't help it) but.... I do see and feel changes in patterns in my life and something tells me that I really am learning to do more things selflessly.
Remember, He loved us first. Always have, always will. He gives sense to my existence talaga. It's like I'm in love! Haha! And what great satisfaction it is to receive such a powerful kind of love which, I believe, is the very root of all other kinds of love there is that we know here on earth. AMAZING.
1 Corinthians 13:13
Three things will last forever--faith, hope, and love--and the greatest of these is love.
Isn't it the best thing ever? To invest in forever? Happy new year to all.
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